Cracked or broken brine lines can be detected by a loss of brine in the balance tank or by a visual sighting of brine on the arena floor or in the header trench. The leaks must be located and repaired to ensure the brine system stays full.


Never let the chiller and pumps go dry.

The headers should be inspected annually for leaks and repaired where required. Any rusted areas should be cleaned up and primed. Worn or poor insulation should be replaced.

Air can be detected in a system by the lowering of the brine level after starting the brine pump. Gauges and thermometers should be inspected regularly for proper operation.

Air can be worked out of the brine system at the header purge valves and through the balance tank. To assist in rapid air removal, full sized tees are highly recommended in the brine mains for the balance tank line takeoffs.

Over a period of years some of the nipples from the headers can become partially or totally restricted. This becomes evident by soft strips of ice running lengthwise down the ice. If the headers are an older steel version, it is best to replace them with non-rusting PVC headers. PVC headers will not rust and cause fouling in the system.

Side stream filtration is a good method of removing dissolved solids. A filter can be permanently installed for this purpose.