Energy Audits
Plant Evaluation and Energy Audits
Price: $4,750*
*Price does not include taxes, travel, room and board and any external analysis or testing that might be required.
Facility energy audit includes:
- Evaluate general facility design
- Evaluate HVAC and dehumidification
- Conduct a refrigeration system survey
- Evaluate existing component selection
- Evaluate all components in operation
- Evaluate complete system in operation
- Check sequence of operation and staging
- Review of utility bills and billing method
- Review operator log books
- Review facility operations procedures
- Review ice making procedures
- Provide two operator training manuals
- Provide two energy-efficiency workbooks
- Operator training (optional)
- Analyze all data on return to our facility
- Provide a complete report to include:
- Equipment survey
- Equipment longevity estimate
- Safety improvements
- Operational improvements
- Energy improvements
- Sequence of future upgrades
- Budget for future upgrades
- Comparison to similar facilities